XDepth RAW Converter 1.5
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XDepth RAW Converter 1.5

Free Creates XDepth RAW file and wraps them in a JPEG container
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1.5 See all
Trellis Management Co Ltd
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5
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Turns RAW photos captured with your camera into XDepth RAW files with the JPEG format that preserve the original quality, but decrease the size of the file.

XDepth RAW Converter is not the average RAW to JPEG conversion tool. Yes, it does create JPG files out of all your digital photographs taken in any of the RAW formats that the best-known manufacturers have created for their DSLR cameras. But what you are getting out of this free conversion tool is not plain JPG, but XDepth RAW with a JPG extension. Confused? I confess I also found it a bit confusing when I first tried out this free tool. XDepth RAW is, in fact, another proprietary RAW format, though this one has not been devised by any specific camera manufacturer. These new RAW files retain all the excellent qualities of any camera-RAW photograph, but with just a quarter of the original image size. Besides, these XDepth files are fully compatible with the JPEG standard, hence the JPG extension.

The program's interface itself is nothing out of this world - a huge blank window to let you enjoy the selected image in all its glory, and a panel with a limited choice of enhancing and editing tools. The program will give you basic metadata information about your RAW image (aperture and shut values, ISO, camera used, bits, size, etc.), and will allows you to perform basic retouching tasks before converting it into XDepth RAW - color shift (red/blue, and green), exposure, brightness, contrast, saturation, and gamma. Once you are happy with what you see, you can proceed to the conversion process, where you can select your preferred level of quality (the lower the level, the lighter the file) and of detail.

In this new version of the program you will find full support for High Dynamic Range images (or HDR files), which are also JPEG-compatible. One thing that has not yet been implemented is the EXIF support, which is the next logical step in the evolution of this impressive converter.

FM Senior editor
Francisco Martínez
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Review summary


  • Excellent quality vs. size ratio
  • Clear and intuitive interface


  • No support for EXIF data


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